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Who am I?

I am trying to find out the answer of this question.

If some one ask me, Who Are You ?

My answers could be one of the following:

A1. I am Surendra Siddhi Bajracharya ( Comment: That is the name given to me from your parent)

A2. I am software developer. (Comment: That is my profession)

A3. I am Director of Mercantile ( Comment: That is the position given to me by Mercantile)

A4. I am Buddhist (Comment: That is the Religion identification given to those who follow Buddhism)

A5. I am father of two kids. ( Comment : that is the relationship given to me)

None of the above answers is correct. Then what is the correct answer?. Let me dissect it.

Let us take an example. We will feel very bad when we lose our job or our belongings. Again the level of feelings depends on the love and attachment to those belongings. Job is not me and belongings, are not me? Then why it is happening so ?, Why it hurts me?. It hurts me because I am attached to it. So I have to detach from it for not to be hurt. This is the illusion created by brain for that object as relationship of attachement.

I have seen that when we repeatedly do the same thing for a long period of time or live with some relationship for a long time, we are attached to it and difficult to detach from it. Immediate detachment from anything will bring difficulties and hard to tolerate. I have experienced that our brain works that way. After a period of time, the effect of that detachment will be less effective. Our brain is configured to work that way. So to find out the answer, we need to train our brain by practising meditation to witness the truth ” Everything is impermanent and subject to changes without NOTICE”. Once we know this truth, we will be happy as we do not fear detachment

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Life is Unfair

Yes, it is true. Don’t expect life to be fair always.

Suppose you are a good person and you do all good stuff, always nice to all, do your work best etc., it does not mean that you will get all fair in life. Life has its own rule and works on a complicate algorithm and it is not same to everyone. You may think you deserve it, but it does not mean that you get it. We can see this unfair everywhere, whether it is in promotion in office, award function, recognization etc.

Everything in this world is impermanent and subject to change. So don’t panic. Instead, move ahead with more power. If you stop you are gone if you move forward you will get it and your day will come when you will be appreciated and honoured.

Learned to live with unfairness.