
Until Now

Skills Learned in 2020

Windows 10, Windows Server 2018, VM Ware,Delphi Rio, uniGUI, C# dot Net, MS SQL server 2016, 2017, SQLite, dbForge Clickup, Adobe, AnyDesk, Team Viewer,Zoho Remote, CCleaner, REST, JSON, JQuery, Postman,OAuth2, Cryptography Hash Algorithm like MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, BASE 64, TRIPPLE DES.

Skills Learned in 2015

Delphi Seattle, REST, JSON, MS SQL Server 2012, Web Enabled Programming, Visual Studio c# dot net, Android and iOS, IntraWeb

United Amara Bank Ltd., Myanmar
United Amara Bank Ltd., Myanmar

Migration from local software to ePumori

ePumori Released
ePumori Released

ePumori, Web Based Banking Software released.

Speaker at Pumori and Disaster Recovery. in partnership with NEC
Speaker at Pumori and Disaster Recovery. in partnership with NEC
Skills Learned in 2010

Window 7, Delphi XE, MS SQL Server 2008R2, Web Enabled Programming, Visual Studio c# dot net, HTML.

Pumori Banking Software Implemented at Century Bank Limited
Pumori Banking Software Implemented at Century Bank Limited

Project Manager for the implementation of Pumori CBS.

Release of Pumori Plus IV with Web Interface
Release of Pumori Plus IV with Web Interface
UNICEF Software
UNICEF Software

Developed software for UNICEF.

Pumori Plus IV Version Released
Pumori Plus IV Version Released

Pumori Plus IV Banking Software released.